iPad and Evernote

Do you want a convenient way to access all your notes or memos from your iPad, iPhone or computer? With an internet connection and the Evernote App, you can do just that. I love this App and wanted to tell you more about it.


About a month ago, I wrote a post about

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How to create a Photo Album on iPad

A question I often get asked is how to create a photo album on iPad. We all like taking pictures to help us remember special occasions or our travel adventures. We then download the pictures to our iPad and have to sort them into different albums to keep organized and to be able to track our favourites at a later date. By having each album labelled, it is so much easier to show our pictures and share our stories with friends.

To learn more about the Camera App, check out these post: iPad Camera App on iOS 6.
If you want to learn how to edit pictures, follow this article: How to edit pictures on iPad.

So how do we go about creating albums on the iPad?

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Car Racing on iPad

Games on the iPad are always a great distraction and a lot of fun.

Due to my recent addiction and love of racing games, I thought it would be a good idea to write an article about Car Racing games on iPad. Beware my readers, these games are so engaging

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How to close iPad Apps

You may recall from a previous article on iPad gestures how to access the multi-tasking bar. For a refresher, click here.

When you show the multitasking bar, a lot of App icons may appear. Most of these Apps are in a suspended state which means the App is not closed but it is held in memory (although not necessarily using CPU or processing time). There are other Apps such as

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Voice Recording on iPad

When you buy an iPhone or iPod touch, you get an App called Voice Memos. This App comes in very handy when you need to record a meeting or lecture, or when you want to say something to yourself but you are in a rush and cannot type it.


I do not know why, but there is no such App on iPad. The good news is that there are several voice recording Apps

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King of Maths

When kids are asked about their hardest subject in school, the answer is generally math. Of course, parents and teachers know the importance of math and want their children to achieve good marks. For many children, success means a lot of practice and studying. Kids in general want to play and have fun but practicing math usually does not qualify…


Unless, you discover King of Maths.

King of Maths is a fun and engaging math game for children

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E-Cards for Mothers Day

Mother’s Day is quickly approaching and it is time for us to show our love and appreciation to that very special and unique person in our lives.


I did some research and found some nice e-card Apps for Mother’s Day. All the Apps are free

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Safari search in page

There is so much information on the Internet and that is one of the reasons why we rely on search engines such as Google or Bing to help us find what we need. But once we get to that particular website, sometimes we want to narrow down our search even further and search for a specific word or phrase without having to read all the content on the page.

Digital Globe

Using a web browser like Safari on a Mac or Windows computer we can do this by pressing

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Presentations and fun with Haiku Deck

Many times we are required to prepare presentations for school or for work. But let’s face it. Our presentations are often an edited copy of an older presentation with images that many in our audience may have already seen or pure B.O.R.I.N.G text that has everybody yawning and wondering when it is going to end?!


I learned in school that a good presentation has to be creative

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