Baby Bedtime Music

Some of my friends recently became parents. With all the joy and happiness that being a new parent means, there are not surprisingly a few complaints about the disrupted and poor nights of sleep. Baby has certainly changed their lives for the better but baby’s sleep is usually an issue.


Luckily there are plenty of Baby Apps for iPad

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Help Me Sleep App

There was a period of time last year when I had trouble falling asleep. I had too many things going on in my life and some of them were very stressful. Without a doubt, this was impacting my sleep. Sometimes I would toss and turn in bed until 2 or 3 AM. Ugh!!!


I started looking into how to improve this situation. I made some changes to my routine, such as eating supper earlier, exercising more frequently, and cutting down on sweets before going to bed. I also found soothing and relaxation apps I could download on the iPad to help me relax faster and fall asleep sooner

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