Safari search in page

There is so much information on the Internet and that is one of the reasons why we rely on search engines such as Google or Bing to help us find what we need. But once we get to that particular website, sometimes we want to narrow down our search even further and search for a specific word or phrase without having to read all the content on the page.

Digital Globe

Using a web browser like Safari on a Mac or Windows computer we can do this by pressing

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iCloud and Safari

We live busy lives. Depending on the week day and time, we may find ourselves surfing the web from a different mobile device.

Imagine you are at a coffee shop browsing the web on your iPad. You have 5 tabs opened. All of a sudden you realize it is getting late so you grab your things and head out the door. You don’t want to lose what you have been reading.


Safari on iOS lets you add your pages to a Reading List. These pages can be seen later even when you are offline. Moreover, if you have iCloud enabled, you can also see the same tabs you were reading on your iPad on your iPhone, iPod touch or MacBook Safari browser. Now isn’t that cool?!?

Today I’ll be discussing using iCloud tabs

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